References – 2017 Edition
The documents listed below are noted in Managing Quality in Architecture as additional information to extend the depth of coverage of a topic. Thanks to Bob Marshall: @flowchainsensei – for borrowing his apt drawing.
Braley, Scott
Quality in Design Management (original unabridged paper)
Quality in Market Positioning (original unabridged paper)
Building Technology Pty Ltd
Project Document Register & Transfer
PF07 Design review checklist
Burns, Dr. Penny
Asset Management – Quality for a lifetime
Minimising Life Cycle Costs
Busby Perkins + Will Stantec
Roadmap for integrated design practice
Davy, Kyle
Thoughts on the Coxe/Maister model vs. the Heifetz model of work
Ellegood, Michael
Five steps to avoid project surprises (full, illustrated version)
Engineers Australia, Queensland Division
Getting It Right First Time
Fisher, Cathy
Auditing ISO 9001:2015 without documents
Flynn–Heapes, Ellen
Achieving a Strategic Strategic Plan (original unabridged paper)
Hinkley, Paul
When you have to manage upward: Case studies
Quality Teamwork & Leadership (original unabridged paper)
Holness, Gordon
QFD | TQM | ISO Fads, Fancy or Factual Benefit?
Debby King-Rowley
QM and Productivity (original unabridged paper)
Mehlhoff, Stanley
Quality in Construction Management (original unabridged paper)
Going in Circles vs. Feedback Loops
In favour of involvement of architects in construction
ISO 9001:2015 > Architecture
Ten Keys 2000
The cutting edge of BIM
TQM/Six Sigma Overview
Oberlender, Garold
Pre-project Evaluations for Cost and Schedule Growth
NOTE: This is a large document and will take a little while to load.
Sutherland, David
The art of presentation (with illustrations in colour)
Tom Peters
Architects, the AIA and the 5 Changes
(Keynote slide presentation from the AIA Convention in Charlotte, NC, in 2002 – this file will auto-download to your desktop)
Tilley, Paul
Lean Design Management – A new paradigm for managing the design and documentation process to improve quality?
Tilley, Paul and Roy Barton
Cost-cutting Leads to Poor Value
Tilley, Paul A. and Stephen L. McFallan
Design and Documentation Quality Survey: A Survey Investigating Changes in Design and Documentation within the Australian Construction Industry and its Effect on Construction Process Efficiency (CSIRO) (three papers):
>> BCE Doc. 00-113 Designers’ Perspective
>> BCE Doc. 00-114 Contractors’ Perspective
>> BCE Doc. 00-115 Comparison of Designers’ and Contractors’ Perspectives
Whitelaw, Peter
Case Study: Client Centric in Action